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Sample Ads and Advertising Layout Choices

Sample Ads

The Sole Law Firm Sponsor
Considered a public service by Bar Associations, You! Be the Judge gives
lawyers an image of trust and accessibility.
One Law Firm with Multiple Partners – One Ad
The rotating lawyer in the center matches the area of practice to the column of the week.

Advertising Layout Choices

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Rotating Sponsors


Exclusive Lawyer Sponsor
Lawyer Sponsor with Surrounding Non-Lawyer Advertisers
An attractive choice for those lawyers who can’t afford to be the only advertiser.
Sole Lawyer as One of the Surrounding Advertisers
An effective way to advertise!
As one of the surrounding ads, the lawyer is exclusive but at a much lower price.
Lawyer Sponsor and Double-Truck Combo
Place the column with the lawyer sponsor ad beside the paper's Business & Professional page.


The Lawyer Directory

You! Be the Judge. Copyright 2011 Haika Enterprises Inc.

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